
This page provides descriptions of the different communications tools used by observers and daytime staff. Telescope handoff procedures, night logs, and fault reporting procedures are listed below.

Slack Communications

Slack Channel Usage

Contains the acceptable usage of the specific set of channels that are focused on day and nighttime summit operations.

Slack Channel Communication with Summit Personnel
Uso de los canales de Slack (Version Español)

Detalla el uso previsto de los canales de comunicación específicos para las operaciones diurnas y nocturnas en la montaña.

Comunicaciones en Canales de Slack con el Personal del Cerro

Daytime and nighttime communications

Daytime and Nighttime communication

Summary of the communication processes between daytime and nighttime staff (Doc in process of update)

Daytime and Nighttime Communication

Fault reporting

Fault Reporting

How to file a fault report for any incident that happens during nighttime operations in OBS Jira project.

Fault Reporting
Fault Handling Workflow

Description of OBS Jira project and how a created ticket moves through OBS project workflow through to completion.

Fault Handling Workflow


Nighttime Logging

Section under construction.

Nighttime Logging