

Simonyi LOTO Procedure#


AuxTel must be under LOTO (lock-out tag-out) any time physical work is undertaken on the mount or the dome. When working with environmental sensors, on the truss, mirrors, or anywhere in the dome where unexpected movement could cause a safety hazard, the telescope must be locked out. Trained summit support staff may use this procedure if they meet all of the preconiditon requirements.



The drives are powered off and the AuxTel Control cabinet is locked from the outside. The Maintel is under LOTO and is not able to move by any controls.

Procedure Steps#


No troubleshooting information is applicable to this procedure. In the IMPOSSIBLE event that the telescope moves after turning off all three breakers, stop work immediately and notifty the day crew, including Jacques Sebag, Mario Rivera, and the electronics team.

This procedure was last modified May 13, 2024.