Open for On-Sky Observations


Content here is largely presented for the sake of example. This will require an update once more content is merged.


This procedure takes the telescope from the nominal state of how it was (most likely) left at the end of the day, to getting the telescope fully open and ready to take observations. This includes things like enabling all components, opening the dome, mirror covers etc.


  • Assumes observatory is fully ready to operate, as would be the case if it was shutdown the night before using the shutdown procedure.


  • Telescope will be left read to observe.

  • It is recommended to try slewing and taking an image to ensure all functionality is operational. Because the telescope and dome is positioned optimally away from the sun, only a very small (~3 degree) slew in azimuth should be performed.

Procedure Steps

This paragraph describes some general guidance for this procedure. This paragraph is optional depending on its usefulness and the complexity of the procedure.

Open Using scriptQueue

Running this procedure via the scriptQueue is not currently implemented.

Open Using Example Notebook

At the end of the day, before observations starts, most telescope-related CSCs will be unconfigured and in STANDBY state. The first step in starting up the system is to enable all CSCs. Putting a CSC in the ENABLED state requires the transition from STANDBY to DISABLED and then from DISABLED to ENABLED. When transitioning from STANDBY to DISABLED it is possible to provide a settingsToApply that selects a configuration for the CSC. Some CSCs won’t need any settings while others will. It is possible to check what are the available settings by looking at the settingVersions event in the EFD, using Chronograf. Alternatively, it is also possible to let the high level control scripts to decide which configuration to use. In most cases, when performing regular operations, the auto-selection algorithm should be used.

To get started with it, make sure to open jupyter lab, navigate to the ts_notebooks folder nad create a directory with your username in that repository (e.g. tribeiro or pingraham). Then, navigate inside the newly created directory and create sub-directories as you see fit to keep the notebooks organized. Once you are happy with the location you selected for the nights operation start a clean notebook and enter the following to import the basic libraries.

import asyncio

from lsst.ts import salobj

from lsst.ts.standardscripts.auxtel.atcs import ATTCS
from lsst.ts.standardscripts.auxtel.latiss import LATISS

In the above, salobj is the high-level library that we use for basic communication on component base. The following classes, ATCS and LATISS are developed using salobj to enable high-level operations combining multiple components.

It is possible now to use those classes to operate with the components. To enable them run;

domain = salobj.Domain()
attcs = ATCS(domain)
latiss = LATISS(domain)

await asyncio.gather(atcs.start_task, latiss.start_task)

await attcs.enable()

await latiss.enable()

In case you want to enable the components with custom settings, it is possible to pass them as a dictionary, e.g.;

await attcs.enable(settings={
                'ataos': "current",
                'atmcs': "",
                'atptg': "",
                'atpneumatics': "",
                'athexapod': "current",
                'atdome': "test.yaml",
                'atdometrajectory': ""})


At this point one may want to setup for afternoon calibrations. This is outlined in procedure XYZ.

await attcs.startup()

It is safe to run this method with the telescope in most states. The task will make sure to verify that all CSCs are in their proper state, will close the mirror covers before opening the dome and then proceed to open the dome and so on.


  • Dome won’t open due to cRIO communication error INSERT LINK

Contact Personnel

This procedure was last modified Nov 22, 2022.

This procedure was written by Tiago Ribeiro. The following are contributors: Patrick Ingraham.