Verify Telescope and Dome Drives Interlocks¶
This procedure outlines the steps to verify if the AuxTel telescope and dome drives have a triggered interlock due to the gate being open, the gate being in error, an E-STOP action, or a general failure.
You are uncertain of the state of the telescope and dome drives.
You’ve identified any triggered interlocks for the AuxTel telescope and dome drives.
You can now take corrective actions to restore the system.
Procedure Steps¶
Check the Pilz controller inside the AuxTel Main Cabinet
- According to the lights, if they are:
Off, an interlock is triggered.
Illuminated, the system is functioning correctly.

Pilz controller status at the AuxTel Main Cabinet¶
If an interlock has been triggered, follow one of the procedures below based on the cause:
Gate open, gate in error: Safety Gate procedures.
E-STOP activated: E-stop procedure.
General failure: Recovery after a Shutdown.