Prepare ATCS For Flat Fields


This procedure prepares the telescope and dome to take flat fields, pointing the telescope to the dome flat screen.


Only run the: auxtel/prepare_for/ script if you have sufficient time to vent the telescope afterwards. It will leave the telescope and dome in position to start taking afternoon calibrations. This is telescope az = 205.7 deg. el = 39. deg. dome az = 20.0 deg.


Be sure you have run previously the following procedure in the daytime checkout in ATQueue-love:


LOVE interface with the “ATQueue” panel.


LOVE interface with the AVAILABLE SCRIPTS list.


Telescope is ready to take calibrations.

NOTE: make sure M3 is pointing to LATISS on nasmyth 2, mirror cover are is opened and the telescope is in position, as a final check.

Procedure Steps

Using the LOVE AT QUEUE, run the standard script auxtel/prepare_for/

No configuration is needed.


LOVE interface with the auxtel/prepare_for/ script.

This script performs:

  • Turn off ATAOS correction.

  • Put mirror back on the hard points.

  • Shut off the valves so we can test the pneumatics.

  • Open mirror covers and vents. Telescope moves to EL 70 deg. before opening the cover.

  • Put ATDomeTrajectory in disabled to prevent it from synchronizing with the telescope motion.

  • Telescope to flat-field position.

  • Dome to flat-field position.

  • ATDome trajectory in enabled state.

Make sure M3 is pointing to LATISS on nasmyth 2, mirror cover are is opened and the telescope is in position, as a final check.

  • Telescope azimuth flat position = 188.7 deg.

  • Telescope elevation flat position = 39.0 deg.

  • Dome azimuth flat position = 3.0 deg.


LOVE interface showing telescope and dome position for flats.

This procedure was last modified on Feb 07, 2025.