ATHexapod fails to enable with the rest of ATCS#


When attempting to enable ATCS from the LOVE/ATScriptQueue with the script auxtel/, ATHexapod fails to transition to enable.

Error diagnosis#

  1. ATHexapod fails to enable with the rest of the ATCS with the SAL script auxtel/ The error received is:

ATHexapod Error Message when transitioning from STANDBY to ENABLE#
Callback <bound method BaseCsc.do_start of < object at 0x7f27708ecf10>> failed with data=private_revCode: aaf328f3,
private_sndStamp: 1692729552.0401282, private_rcvStamp: 1692729552.0401914, private_seqNum: 1839321525, private_identity: Script:201665,
private_origin: 14887, configurationOverride: Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lsst/ts/salobj/topics/",
line 232, in _run_callback    ack = await result  # type: ignore  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lsst/ts/salobj/",
line 518, in do_start    await self._do_change_state(data, "start", [State.STANDBY], State.DISABLED)  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lsst/ts/salobj/",
line 830, in _do_change_state    await getattr(self, f"end_{cmd_name}")(data)  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lsst/ts/ATHexapod/",
line 206, in end_start    raise e  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lsst/ts/ATHexapod/",
line 202, in end_start    await self.controller.connect() File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lsst/ts/ATHexapod/",
line 97, in connect    self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.wait_for(  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/asyncio/",
line 445, in wait_for    return fut.result()  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/asyncio/",
line 48, in open_connection    transport, _ = await loop.create_connection(  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/asyncio/",
line 1076, in create_connection    raise exceptions[0]  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/asyncio/",
line 1060, in create_connection    sock = await self._connect_sock(  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/asyncio/",
line 969, in _connect_sock    await self.sock_connect(sock, address)  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/asyncio/",
line 501, in sock_connect    return await fut  File "/opt/lsst/software/stack/miniconda/lib/python3.10/asyncio/",
line 541, in _sock_connect_cb    raise OSError(err, f'Connect call failed {address}')OSError: [Errno 113] Connect call failed ('', 50000)
  1. Trying to ping the controller at results in no response.

Procedure Steps#

The connection to the ATHexapod can be recovered by manually rebooting the ATHexapod controller box located in the Main ATCS cabinet in the pier of the AuxTel dome.


Main ATCS Cabinet.#

  1. Announce in the slack channel #summit-anounce that you are going to the AuxTel building to reboot the ATHexapod Controller.

  2. On the first level, or pier of the AuxTel dome, open the Main ATCS cabinet and press the off button at the C-887 Hexapod Controller, that’s located at the bottom of the cabinet.


    Main ATCS Cabinet.#


    ATHexapod Controller.#

  3. Wait for 3 minutes.

  4. Turn the controller on again.

  5. The ATHexapod CSC should be now in STANDBY. Transition the ATHexapod from the LOVE/ASummaryState View STANDBYSTARTENABLE, or alternative, you could run the auxtel/ again. ATCS should be ready now to begin operations.

  6. Fill the ticket OBS-243 - ATHexapod not enabling with the rest of ATCS with as much information you have regarding the state of the system, such as procedures or maintenance done prior to this failure (e-stop, mirror CO2 cleaning, power outage, LOTO, etc)


  • The ATHexapod CSC is successfully enabled and is now in the ENABLE state

  • The ATCS system is fully operational and ready to proceed with observations or further procedures.


If the procedure was not successful, report the issue in #summit-auxtel and/or activate the Out of hours support.