AuxTel Elevation Out of range#


This procedure should be used when the AuxTel auxtel/ script fails with the error

Rejected: elevation out-of-range.

Error diagnosis#

  • The auxtel/ script fails with the following error traceback:

    lsst.ts.salobj.base.AckError: msg='Command failed',
    ackcmd=(ackcmd private_seqNum=942292490, ack=<SalRetCode.CMD_FAILED: -302>,
    error=6611, result='Rejected : elevation out of range')
  • This occurs when the target search in the auxtel/ script is not successful in the specified location in the sky within the mag_limit, mag_range, and radius.

Procedure Steps#

To resolve this error while running the auxtel/ script, follow these steps:

  1. Try widening the target search.

    Run auxtel/ with a configuration that represents a larger search area. The script defaults are:

    auxtel/ default configuration#
    az: 90.0
    el: 60.0
    mag_limit: 6.0
    mag_range: 4.0
    radius: 5

    You can adjust the above parameters to:

    • Decrease the mag_limit to target brighter sources.

    • Increase the search magnitude range (mag_range).

    • Increase the search radius in degrees.

    • Or a combination of the above.

  2. If the script works, the pointing correction will center the target in the detector.

    If the problem persists, proceed to steps 2.a - 2.b:

    1. Find a target using the standard script auxtel/ with the following configuration:

         az: 90.0
         el: 60:0
         mag_limit: 8.0
    2. Run the external script auxtel/ on the same area of the sky using the configuration. Modify az and el accordingly:
      az: 90.0
      el: 60.0
  3. Fill out the script failure information in the ticket OBS-186 for record-keeping.

  4. Verify that the AuxTel is functioning correctly and the targets are centered in the detector.


  • AuxTel is properly pointed, with targets centered in the detector.

  • System is ready for further observations.


If the procedure was not successful, report the issue in the #summit-auxtel channel.

If the pointing is still not accurate, open a ticket to keep a record of the loss of pointing accuracy.