AuxTel Mount Fails to Move and Times Out#


In this troubleshooting guide, we address an issue where the telescope times out while getting into position. All ATCS CSCs indicate no FAULT.

Error diagnosis#

The queued script reports the following error:

 File "/net/obs-env/auto_base_packages/ts_observatory_control/python/lsst/
  ts/observatory/control/auxtel/", line 1658, in wait_for_inposition

  raise RuntimeError: Telescope timed out getting in position.

No ATCS CSCs is in FAULT, but the ATMCS EUI did indicate several low air pressure FAULT.

However, since no CSCs were actually reporting FAULT, the leak might not be critical and the proximate cause in this case might actually being a lost DDS message between the ATMCS and ATPtg CSCs.

Procedure Steps#


  1. Stop the Scheduler and clear any pending scripts : In the queue send the auxtel/scheduler/ script and resume queue.

  2. Cycle the ATPtg CSCs: Transition to STANDBY and back to ENABLED.

  3. Confirm mount is now responsive: Queue SAL script auxtel/, specifying an azimuth and elevation some distance away from the current mount position, and observing mount motion.

auxtel/ configuration#
  az: 88
  el: 80


auxtel/ configuration#
  ignore: []
  rot_tel: 0
  slew_timeout: 240
  target_name: AzEl
  wait_dome: false
  az: 88
  el: 80