AuxTel Mount Control System Fails to Enable / E-Stop is Engaged#


When attempting to enable ATCS from the ATScriptQueue with the script auxtel/, ATMCS goes into FAULT failing to transition to ENABLED.

Error diagnosis#

ATMCS goes to FAULT and does not enable with the rest of ATCS when running the SAL script auxtel/

Traceback for auxtel/
Fault event in ATMCS while in enable state (port).
Nasmyth 1 drive fault bit is ON.

Full traceback error received in LOVE#

Procedure Steps#

First step is to check if the E-stop is engaged. If it is engaged, release it using the procedure linked in step 2 and attempt to enable ATCS again.

  1. The only way to check if the E-stop is engaged is from the ATMCS EUI. The ATMCS EUI can be opened from a remote desktop connection or from the control computer at the first floor of the AuxTel dome. More detailed instruction in the access ATMCS EUI procedure.



  2. Open the LSST Auxiliary Telescope MCS & Pneumatics window and under Mount tab, the Emergency Stop indicator will be red and reading E-stop, if the E-stop is engaged.


    Emergency Stop indicator#

  3. Proceed to release the E-stop following the instructions in E-Stop disengage procedure.

  4. Confirm it is released, and re-run SAL script auxtel/ from LOVE.